Sunday, October 14, 2018

Unit 6: Team Work

Why is teamwork important? 
It doesn’t mean everybody doing the same thing or everybody being able to do each other’s jobs. It’s more a means to a synergistic way of working, where the sum is greater than the parts

Lets do a Roll Play!!!

Now we will discus some question about the importance of team work !

Teamwork Discussion Questions

  • 1) Describe a really good team you were a part of. What skills did the members of the team have? What things did the members of the team avoid?
  • 2) Describe a really bad team you were a part of. Why was it a bad team? What were the negative aspects of the team (criticism, negativity, blame, etc.)?
  • 3) Have you ever worked as part of a team that had low morale? Tell your group about it. How did low morale affect the team’s performance?
  • 4) Have you ever worked as part of a team that had high morale? Tell your group about it. How did high morale affect the team’s performance?
  • 5) How do companies build teamwork? How does teamwork happen? 6) Where do people learn leadership?
  • 7) How important is it to have a good leader on a team? What happens if you don’t have proper leadership on a team?
  • 8) Have you ever been part of a teambuilding exercise? What did you do? Do you think it helped your organization? Why or why not?
  • 9) In general, do you believe that teambuilding activities help increase teamwork and cooperation among a group? Do you think they are a waste of time? Explain.
  • 10) What types of jobs require a high degree of teamwork? What types of jobs require a low degree of teamwork? 11) Think about a job you have had. How is/was teamwork important for that position?
  • 12) Do you feel the idea of being a team player is different in the U.S. than your native country?

Are you ready for a challenge? 

Team Work skills

What skills means?
An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas cognitive skills, things technical skills, and/or people interpersonal skills

Teamwork Skills

A person who has strong teamwork skills is often known for the following:
Participates enthusiastically in discussion.Actively influences events rather than passively accepting.Acts on opportunities: originates action.

Spoken Expression
Expresses his/herself clearly and coherently.Makes a clear persuasive presentation of ideas and facts

Originality of Ideas
Introduces new ideas.Builds constructively the ideas of others.Brings a fresh approach to a problem.

Quality of Thought
Analyzes the problem well.Gets to the root of the problem: can recognize which information is important.Reaches logical conclusion based on information shared.

Influence on Others
Makes a point which is accepted by the other members.Influences the direction and nature of the discussion.
Open Mindedness
Listens carefully to others' views.Incorporates the points made by others into their own.Shows thoughtfulness and negotiation.
Facilitation of the Discussion
Tries to help another person (ex. show support for another person’s comment).Invites a quieter person to speak.
Knows what is important and what is minor.Does not allow his/her feelings to get in the way; stays calm and rational

Unit 5: Writing: Formal Letter

Writing: Formal Letter

Application Letter

Letter of Complaint


There are grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, punctuation mistakes, mistakes in the order of the paragraphs, and also mistakes in the lay-out. Work in pairs and see how many you can find!

12 Tryon Road Cary, NC 27511
Majestic Hotel Raleigh
The nineteenth of January

dear Julia Rambert,
I am interesting in the job of Waitress advertised on Craigslist today and I am enclosing a copy of my resume.

I hope you will consider my application carefuly and I look forward to hear from you.
I am working as waitress in my own country since five years before I came here and my former employer can provide you with a referee.

I imagine that you cater mainly for overseas tourists so I belief my language skills would be usefull. In addition to speak both portuguese and english, I also can understand spanish.
yours faithfully,

Maria Chagas
Rewrite the letter correctly here.


Unidad 4:Grammar: Pandas Cuddliest of all Bears

Grammar: Pandas Cuddliest of all Bears

Grammar lays the groundwork for effective communication.  Just as an improperly configured telephone wire can cause static during a phone conversation, improper grammar can likewise affect the meaning and clarity of an intended message.

Learn about Pandas and improve your grammar

Unidad 3 Reading:A Terrific Cook


By reading, you are exposed to so many wonderful things. This helps your imagination when it comes to creating and thinking. By reading, you are painting those pictures of the story in your mind. Books can take you anywhere you want to go.

Unit 2: Pronunciation: Irregular verbs

Pronunciation is the most important and difficult problem that non-native English speakers have to face when studying English

Correct pronunciation is a basis for efficient communication in English, as in any other language.

Unidad 1: listening comprehension

Este blog esta enfocado a estudiantes adultos, que tienen la necesidad de aprender ingles como segunda lengua debido al contexto en el que están viviendo; podría ser el caso de estudiantes emigrantes; los cuales tienen la necesidad de aprender el idioma para poder insertarse en la nueva sociedad a la que se enfrentan.

Objetivos Generales
  • Hacer un uso adecuado de la tecnología para llegar a diferentes estudiantes en el medio; proporcionando un contenido animado y original, que despierte su interés.
  • Que los temas que se tratan en las unidades del blog sean temas cotidianos con los que los estudiantes se sienten identificados, y puedan aplicar estos conocimientos en su vida diaria
  •  Los temas que se presentan son coherentes y afines a las situaciones que un emigrante puede enfrentar
  • El estilo que se ha aplicado en este blog es una propuesta sencilla, clara y fácil de seguir, con la finalidad que los estudiantes que accedan a ella consideren los ejemplos publicados cómo una guía útil.

Unidad 1: listening comprehension

The languages we grew up speaking say a lot about who we are and where we are from, but did you know language shapes perception of the world, too?

Listening task about how languages shape the way we think. - Based on a TED talk

Lesson 1 listening comprehension

Video quiz questions 

1) Complete the gap
Fill the gap: We can ________________________ really complicated thoughts to one another.
Correct the wrong word: Those wind vibrations are traveling to you,
3) How many languages are there in the world?
  • 5000
  • 6500
  • 7000
  • 7050
4) Does the language we speak shape the way we think?

5) Are you able to point the East?

6) From your mother tongue, how would you organize the timeline?

7) How does the Kook Thiore organize time?

8) English speakers have more abilities to differentiate the color spectrum
  • True
  • False
9) What do you think?

10) Is this gender form true in your language? How?

11) What does she say about the way we describe events in English and Spanish?

5 tips to improve your listening comprehension 

Lets practice !